We are OFFERING - FREE Advertising to Help Realtors in Fighting Post COVID-19 Commercial Challenges - This is a Limited Time Offer & is Open for all of our Respected Partners on 1st Come 1st Basis.
Placement: Appears in front of all landing pages when site opens and has to be closed for further browsing
Available Spots: 1 - Shown to each visitor once on website entry, which maybe on any page of the site
Sections: SITE WIDE Landing and entry pages
Appearance: Appears on all pages of PropertyWatch.Com.Pk also at Forum
Pointer: Official site of the advertiser or their hosted profile page
Main Advantage: Excellent brand awareness and recall.
Competitive Advantage: Maximum brand awareness, recognition & recall. No competition (ONLY ONE SPOT) Advertisement cannot be ignored as screen greyed out when displaying the banner Guaranteed observation by all visitors.